Selasa, 06 April 2010

Use Mouse Pointer with Keyboard

Use Mouse Pointer with Keyboard
Use Mouse Pointer with Keyboard (Numberic Keypad)

Actually this is not a trick, This is Windows hidden feature.
But most newbies dont know abt it
This is best when u hav run in mouse shortage
I use this when my mouse cable is ate by mouse

1. Press and Hold your left hand side Alt + Shift
2. Press Num Lock (in your Numberic Keypad)
3. Press OK
4. Now you can use your mouse pointer with your key pad

4,2,6,8 = left,down,right,up respectvely
5 = click



Hide a file in an image
Hide a file in an image

1. Gather the file you wish to bind, and the image file, and place them in a folder. For the sake of this demonstration, I will be using C:\New Folder
-The image will hereby be referred to in all examples as fluffy.jpg
-The file will hereby be referred to in all examples as New Text Document.txt

2. Add the file/files you will be injecting into the image into a WinRar .rar or .zip. From here on this will be referred to as (secret.rar)

3. Open command prompt by going to Start > Run > cmd

4. In Command Prompt, navigate to the folder where your two files are by typingcd location [ex: cd C:\New Folder]

5. Type [copy /b fluffy.jpg + secret.rar fluffy.jpg] (remove the brackets)

Congrats, as far as anyone viewing is concerned, this file looks like a JPEG, acts like a JPEG, and is a JPEG, yet it now contains your file.

In order to view/extract your file, there are two options that you can take
a) Change the file extension from fluffy.jpg to fluffy.rar, then open and your file is there
b) Leave the file extension as is, right click, open with WinRar and your file is there


Multiple login in gtalk ( simple trick )

I wonder why this feature is not by default included in Google Talk. One can login simultaneously to more than one account. Unlike yahoo multiple login no need of registry editing here.

Follow these simple steps.........

* Create a shortcut of your Google talk.

* Right click the shortcut ----> choose Properties.

* In the "Target" you will find this "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe"

* Now at the end of target add this "/nomutex" without the quotes. It should be like this "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex . There is a space after googletalk.exe"

Thats it .Click OK and you can open more than one Google talk.
Amazing, isn't it?