Many people have daily habit to download torrents from different sites. We know that torrents downloading is illegal because most piracy is done on internet through torrents . Even it is most famous on internet and increasing its fan following and members day by day.
So in offices, schools, banks or any public areas there are administrative rights are disabled and they giving limited (standard) account. So some places utorrent, bittorrent like torrent applications are strictly prohibited.
On @ that situation what will you do if you want to download torrents..........?
So lets discuss about this interesting matter today.
torrent2exe: - This site also useful to download torrents online without using any third party application because they self developed their own torrent downloader file.
What do you want to do now.....?
1) Just go to their website.
2)Paste the url of your torrent which you want to download
browse that torrent if you have already downloaded in PC.
3)Select Normal size or Small size, both have no such big difference. Choose any option.
4) Click on Direct URL of the exe-file . They will create their own exe torrent setup file to download that torrent.
5) Press start download.
6) Download that small file which is in KB size
7) Save it on desktop. Now open that file.
8) Now when you open that file, a windows security alert appear. Click on unblock.
9) Now your torrent.exe is ready to download your torrent file.
See here.
10) You can pause or resume it according to your work time.
There are so many services are like this available on Internet. But mostly all are paid. I am sharing you only free services which are do their job as good as possible.
I am not supporting piracy. I am just sharing this knowledge purpose only that you all must know.
So friends how do you like this. Try and please reply.
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