Here are some amazing headers from some selective beautiful sites for inspiration.
1. Basmati Tree
2. Bits And Pix
4. Dent Fore
5. Dquinn
6. Dr Martian
8. GianMacro
9. Gisele
10. Gomediazine
11. Grace Jerremi
12. Great Design
14. Hoover Dust
15. Interanaliz
16. iSpoil
17. Jayme Blackmon
18. John Joubert
19. Jonathan Sace
20. Komodo Media
21. Kroativ
22. Kultur
23. Le Moulin
24. Lucy Blackmore
25. Mac Themes
26. Mansz
27. Marius
28. Monitor
29. Mosaiko
30. No Milk Today
31. Oat
32. Ocaklarhalicilik
33. Octwelve
34. Out Law
35. Pop Syndicate
36. Prowseed
37. Quality xHTML
38. Rockatee
39. RustyBones
40. SarahhyLand
41. SEOWeb
42. Sessions
43. Simply Fired
44. TeamGreen
45. Tehcpeng
46. Thatindiedude
47. The Piss Biscuit
48. Things We Make
49. UberBot
50. Urbane
51. Viget - Extend
52. Viget - Inspire
53. Web Design Wall
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